Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Man Up


It's been so long. I've been taking a little sabbatical from my duty as the manliest motherfucker you know to work on my novel (read: to get drunk and masturbate). I bet you that sorry excuse for a penis you were starting to develop has receded back into the vagina that was there before you met me. I bet you your girlfriend has reclaimed those balls you worked so hard to reclaim. I bet you that you missed the fuck out of me when I was gone and were reading the old blogs over and over just hoping they'd smell like me (you creepy sons of bitches, I love you all). 

Don't worry, I'm back now and I can't help but notice something. Something disturbing. Something downright wrong with the world since I last checked in. There seems to be an awful lot of pussy ass bitches running around out there. You know the ones. They walk around in their painted on jeans with their "ironic" shirts and shitty beards. They wear Ray Bans with the lenses taken out of them... those dudes. 

The world is in serious need of some sort of overhaul. I'm not suggesting anything rash, just some good ol' fashioned manliness that needs to be spread around. Lucky for y'all if manliness were manure, I'm a goddamned shit spreader. I've compiled a little list of ways you or the people you know can man the fuck up (note: I don't know how many items there will be on here because I'm drunk and I'm just going to type til I fall asleep).

Get ready ladies and gentlemen because I'm going to facepunch some straight up, nitrogen enriched, dual overhead cam, ball breaking, earth shattering knowledge into that stupid pile of dead fetuses you call a brain. Everyone get the fuck down because TyPeets is drunk and pissed off.

Lesson #1: No One Cares

A lot of you who are reading this probably got offended at the fact that I called your brain a pile of dead fetuses. A lot of you watch youtube videos or listen to music and comment about the content. A lot of you are whiney fucking bitches.

No one gives a shit if you don't like the fact that I said fetus, or that so and so said the N word, or that Janet Jackson's old, decrepit boob popped out at the Superbowl. All your complaining does is make you look like a pussy. Being manly is about respect. It's not about being loud, boisterous or trying to be heard. If you are offended by something that doesn't affect you, grow a fucking sack and shut the hell up. People are going to say and do dumb shit because people are inherently stupid. I'm not saying that it is right for the person to do such a thing, but that person has the right to speak whatever the hell they want. Let people do their own thing and until it directly interferes with your life, fuck off.

Lesson #2: Suck it up

I don't mean what that nasty old man did to that kid's milkshake in There Will Be Blood. I mean when someone wrongs you, suck it up princess, life sucks sometimes.

Don't go and fucking off yourself because some chick dumped you. Someone making fun of you shouldn't ruin your life. If some dude steps on your toe in the street, don't go home and talk about how bad your day was. Just suck it up. 

You need to let things go dude. Quit being a pussy and go do some pushups.

Lesson #3: Being Manly on Facebook

Facebook hasn't been around that long but its already spiraled to the point of ultimate unmanliness. I can't count the number of times I've read about breakups, fights, backstabbing best friends and other girly shit no one fucking cares about. Facebook is meant for 2 things and 2 things only. It's meant for catching up with all of your old friends and its meant for checking out the hot chicks' pictures from that vacation to Mexico (dude, if you think I'm being serious on the second one stop reading. Stop reading and go back to not having a life).

When you and your partner have a fight, don't put that shit up on facebook for everyone to see. Nobody who reads that thinks "Awww, Jim and Jane had a fight, it looks like Jane was being a selfish bitch again". What they are thinking is "Jesus Christ, if I see one more post from Jim asking Jane to forgive him via a status update, I'm going to punch him in the balls so hard that his dreams will have nightmares about it." The public forum is not the place to carry out your arguments. Argue like my girlfriend and I do... by fistfighting in the kitchen until one of us accidentally touches boob and the whole thing turns into passionate lovemaking (hint: I'm always the boob toucher).

Don't post emotional bullshit on facebook. No one cares if you are "feeling so alone right now" or "wishing I wasn't such a pussy that you broke up with me and found some guy who reads TyPeets' blog (note: this actually happened to a friend of mine from the US, he knows who he is)". So what, you got your heart broken, you've got 2 of them for a reason. The more you post shit like that, the more chicks who would normally totally want to bang you will start to think you're a pussy. Instead, every time you feel like posting something gay like that, post a picture of the shit you took that morning (if you aren't taking pictures of all of your craps and sending them to your friends, you should start doing that. It's super manly). If there's one thing I know about women, it's that they love poop. Keep in mind though, everything I know about women begins and ends with two girls one cup.

Also, while we're manning up your facebook, why don't you just go ahead and delete those fucking games on there. I swear to Tony if you give me one more Mafia Wars request I'm going to buy you a puppy. I'm going to wait for you to fall in love with that puppy and then I'm going to kill it right in front of you.

Lesson #4: Just Man the Fuck Up

It seems like such a simple task for the real men out there to just carry out our day without pussifying everything around us. I find the best way to keep manly is to get super drunk every night (alcoholism is very manly), start fights with random passers by (even if they are women), eating only red meat, and having sex with something once a day.  The easiest thing to do is to ask yourself, "what would my grandpa do?" because I can guarantee you your grandpa is a million times more manly than you are.

For those of you not willing to step into the footsteps of the one and only TyPeets, or for those of you with pussy ass grandparents, I'll give you this: When life hands you lemons, you get drunk as fuck, fight life, sleep with life's sister fate, come home to life and ask if that bitch traded the lemons in for steak yet (I'm pretty sure that's how the old saying goes).

I'm going to try to post a lot more often, but I do whatever the fuck I want because I'm a man.


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Shaving 101 - The Guide to Shaving Like your Grandpa


It's good to be back. It's been a little while and I'm sure a lot of you have reverted back to your less-than-manly ways. How have you been? Are you ready for a perfect storm of knowledge to be dropped upon your Andrea Gail of a brain? Are you prepared for my Billy Zane-ish wisdom to be bestowed upon your Phantom-like cranium? For my Bushwhacker Butch and Bushwhacker Luke to defeat your Earthquake and Typhoon with the assistance of Andre The Giant and the Legion of Doom? (Alright I'll admit that you probably didn't get any of those. Watch The Perfect Storm, The Phantom, or any other movie starring Billy "B-list" Zane, and Summer Slam '91 in that order) Well then sit back, pour yourself a beer and open your mind hole.

Shaving goes back quite a ways, no one knows exactly how long men have been shaving for but some speculate that it has been since at least 1971 (citation needed). The majority of you use the three bladed Mach 3 from Gillette or the 5 bladed wonder known as the Fusion. Personally, up until a couple of months ago used the Fusion Pro-Glide myself and found it "meh". It didn't hurt that bad to use and I only got a little bit of razor burn so it was, in my books, alright by me. Many of you are in this same boat, mediocre shaving products presenting mediocre results. Take my hand and follow me into the magical world of the straight razor (don't actually take my hand dude, that's kind of weird).

Over the last few years most shaving companies have been adding blades to their razors in an attempt to "reduce tugging and pulling". Gillette came out with the Mach 3, Schick's rebuttal was the Quatro, Gillette gave Schick the finger and said, "stick your four blades up your ass, here's six" and, thus the Fusion was born (as a side note, Gillette also seems to not know the meaning of "Fusion". What did you stick together Gillette? That's what I thought). If you look at the little diagram showing the razor precisely trimming the hair in three spots, this way of thinking is great. However, if you've ever grown your beard out a little and then tried shaving it off with one of these multi-bladed wonders you'll notice something... IT DOESN'T FUCKING WORK THAT WAY. That is because our hair does not stick straight out like little face trees and the blades aren't staggered in any way. Instead what you get is a razor that first, cuts the hair right at the bottom, then gets jammed up and proceeds to rip out every hair on your face like you are a prisoner at Guantanamo bay who's not talking.

You'd think that after this horrifying experience the people who make razors, I believe they are called Raisinets (citation needed), would think, "we should probably do something about horribly disfiguring people with our products." Well that they did. Someone over there at the California Raisin factory (where razors are made) decided, "let's make it vibrate," probably after switching from a regular dildo to a vibrating one and noticing a significant difference. This would be a great idea if razors were sex toys (Note: DO NOT USE YOUR RAZOR AS A SEX TOY - you will bleed... lots). All that adding a vibration function to the razor does is make the razor harder to hold onto and, inversely, much, much easier to slit your own throat with.

Gentlemen, if you want a great shave without the razor burn while simultaneously feeling like a complete and utter badass (see Billy Zane), we have to go back to a simpler time. A time where most men were manly and the ones who weren't were shot (Note: I am not saying non-manly men should be shot. Then no one would read my blog). You have to switch from 183 blades on your razor to just one.

That's right, I shave using a straight razor. I'll readily admit that the first time I used it I cut myself a few times but the second time I used it, and every time after, I have not cut myself and have had an amazing shave because of it.

Using a straight razor turns shaving into a bit of a chore, so make sure you give yourself more than 5 minutes before shaving. Those of you who dry shave (what the fuck is wrong with you?) will have to wait until after your shower to shave. Those of you who shave in the shower, you can still do so but you have to remember something, in the event that you slit your throat, they will find your body naked, wet, and shrivelled like a raisin (no relation to the people who make razors). (Special Note: DO NOT shave your pubic hairs using a straight razor. The reason for this is twofold 1) If you use your straight razor on both your face and your balls, you secretly desire balls on your face. 2) You WILL sever your penis)

The Art of Shaving

What you need:

Straight Razor (I use a Dovo)
Badger or Boar Hair Brush
Short, Fat Mug or Bowl
Shaving Cream (real stuff, not shave gel or pre foaming stuff. It should come in a toothpaste tube or a jar)
Face Wash (something with pumice in it)

Step 1 - Pre Shave

The first thing you want to do is fill your shaving mug with very hot water. Place your razor blade first and your brush, bristles down, in the mug. Brushes vary depending on where they come from. Boar brushes are very hard and don't hold water well whereas badger brushes hold water well and are very soft. This is going to sound extremely unmanly and also a little gay, but you want to make sure that when you shower prior to shaving, you us an exfoliant to wash your face. This will serve a few purposes but mainly it will reduce any facial imperfections you have (I'm talking about pimples and blackheads and stuff, not the fact that you're ugly. Face wash can't help with that) which will cause you to cut yourself very badly. Also it will soften your hair and make shaving a lot nicer.

Next you want to dump the water out of your mug and remove your shave-wear. Put about a quarter sized dollop of shaving cream into your mug. Grab your brush and shake out the excess water. you want some water left in the brush but not a lot. Move the brush in circles very quickly around the bottom of the mug to lather up your shaving cream. You want it to be very frothy but still thick enough to stick to your face. To apply the foam to your face you want to move the brush around in small circles all over the area to be shaved. Use the brush and some more foam to smooth it out and you are good to go.

Step 2 - Shaving

The first thing that I am going to tell you is that this is called a "cutthroat shave" for a reason. Razors vary a lot but one thing they all have in common is that they are sharp. Please, for the love of all things holy (meat, boobs, TV, beer) don't cut your fucking head off.

There are a thousand different kinds of straight razors out there and they all have their benefits. I recommend starting with the Shavette by Dovo before moving on. The Shavette is cheap and is the straight shaving world's idea of a disposable razor. It uses razor blades (like the ones emo kids wear around their necks that you pray someday will slip and do what razor blades are meant to do) snapped in half and placed into the blade holder. It will give you the same shave as a regular straight razor but doesn't require you to sharpen or hone anything and is much cheaper.

The learning curve for the Shavette type razor is very steep as you will cut yourself the first time you use it and it is a little less forgiving than the more premium model of razor.

To shave with a straight razor is pretty straight forward. To shave the right side of your face, you want to grip the razor like this in your right hand:

(Note: you can put your fingers however you want but this is the most comfortable for me)

Place the blade flat against your cheek near your ear (at the bottom of your sideburn). Tilt forward slightly and run the blade with the grain of your hair until you reach the bottom of your jaw. You do not need to apply any pressure, let the weight of the razor do the shaving for you. Repeat this, always shaving with the grain, until the right side of your face is complete. To shave your neck, hold the blade in the same way and run it downward, following the contour of the jaw and down toward your neck. Repeat until the right side of your neck is complete.

To shave the left side of your face, repeat the whole process holding the razor in your left hand. That's right. Better start masturbating with your left hand more to get it used to holding little things.

All said, the trick to not murdering yourself with the straight razor is to be calm and confident with your shave. Don't panic and don't be nervous. That is how mistakes are made. Make each cut deliberate and smoothly and your face will thank you for it.

Alright guys, that's it. Hopefully this helps. More posts soon. The next post I take on Chuck Norris.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Beer - It'll Get You Drunk


What's this, TyPeets writing 2 posts in one week? I know you are used to only having one knowledge bucket a month or so but I had to post this. I just posted about Mother Nature's most amazing creation, meat, and it was, on the whole, fairly well-received. There are a few people out there who thought that the barnyard was "excessive" and that I was somewhat insensitive to a certain demographic of people. Need I refer you to the one and only rule of this blog?

First off, real men shoot whiskey. No ifs ands or buts. If you can't shoot whiskey, kindly ask your girl for your balls back, and try again. Beer should be used for one purpose, to chase your whiskey.

Now that I have that out of the way, let's get drunk!

It is time to fill that stupid head of yours full of some straight up, unpasteurized, cold filtered goodness. So pull up a barstool because this post is about the most amazing thing that man has ever created... No I'm not talking about internet porn you lonely bastard (seriously bro, find a girl and make her a duck already). I'm talking about the nectar of the Gods, BEER!
Anyone who knows anything knows that beer is made by extracting the tit juice of a Greek goddess and combining it with 3 parts magic and one part awesome to create liquid heaven. It's been around for about six thousand years, and has been manly as fuck ever since then. It's actually probably the reason that you are alive and reading this blog today.

A lot of you women out there are going to get offended right about now because I'm going to go ahead and tell you that what you drink is not beer. If you consider Coors Light, Bud Light Lime or any "beer" with Light after the name to be a beer, you are sorely mistaken. "But TyPeets, light beers have way less calories." Shut up, you are drinking beer, not a delicious smoothie made up of mandarin oranges and strawberries with some ginseng for energy and a little yogurt for substance. You're clearly not watching your weight if you are out at the bar. Real weight management requires dedication and literally not drinking even that watery shit you call light beer (I'm a little bitter on this subject because I'm currently cutting and, thus, not drinking beer). Whether you have one real beer or 6 Coors Light, you're not going to come out of this one better off by going light. If you think you are drinking a beer when you consume a Corona, you are sorely mistaken (Fact: Corona is made by pissing in a bottle that once contained beer and sticking a lime in it).

Real beer should be drank slowly and enjoyed in every delicious drop. Real beer should not taste like lime or apple or berries. It should taste like fucking beer. 
There's a million different types of beer out there but I have a feeling y'all need a crash course. Lucky for you I'm sober and therefore not lazy today.

Top Fermented Beers - These include your Brown Ale, Mild Ale, Pale ale, Stout, and Wheat beers
These guys are my personal favourites. They are fermented at high temperatures and this produces a lot of esters (little chemistry for you, esters make stuff smell/taste like other stuff) and so their flavour can be anywhere from fruity (like tasting of fruit, not like how your dad says you are acting when a girl dumps you and you try to talk to him about it) to almost grass-like. Examples of these include Guiness, Rickard's White, Alexander Kieth's - the dark "thick" beers

Bottom Fermented Beers - Lager, Pilsner

BFB's are fermented at lower temperatures. These are the beers that your dad probably drinks. As a matter of fact, these beers make up a large majority of all of the beer out there. These ones don't necessarily taste as good as their darker brethren, but what they lack in taste, they make up for in smoothness and, by default, the ability to slam back a ton of them. Molson Canadian, Labatt Blue, Carlsberg, etc.

Those are the only two that I will touch on because, chances are, they are the only ones you'll ever come across with any sort of regularity. They make up 99% of the beer world and that's good enough to get me drunk and then some.
I have tried dozens, if not hundreds of different types of beers. Some just having a few casual beers and some going on 2 month benders using whatever beer I can get my hands on (DMak, you know what I'm driving at). However, I've compiled a list of 10 must drink beers - I suggest drinking all of these in one night because not only does beer give you the ability to think you are more amazing than you are, but it'll get you drunk. And there's nothing more manly than getting drunk.

#10 - Molson M - 4.9% alcohol by volume

This is a brand spankin new beer on the market and the only Molson beer that I can even stand. It is the world's first microcarbonated. I really don't know what the fuck that means but the bubbles in the beer are really tiny and it makes the beer go down very smooth. I drank 32 of them before I realized that I wasn't drinking water. Normally it would lose points for this, but at 4.9% it has the getyoudrunkability of a real beer.

Style: Lager
Tastes like: Slightly hopsy but not overpowering. Some caramel.
The Bad: Molson hasn't gotten rid of their shitty aftertaste
Recommended for: Dads whose stomach isn't what it used to be

#9 - Steamwhistle - 5% alcohol by volume

This one I've been drinking for awhile. It reminds me of being 14 and stealing a bunch of Colt 45. It has that malty taste and really sits nice if you're going to be having more than a couple. 

Style: Pilsner
Tastes like: Sweet, bitter, smooth
The Bad: It's a pilsner, if you've ever had the misfortune of farting after getting drunk off pilsner, you know what it's like to peel the paint off of a footlocker.
Recommended for: The people who aren't very adventurous. Stick to the same type of beer but feel like slowly moving out. Caution, this is a gateway beer. One minute, you're dabbling in a new pilsner. The next, you're sucking dick in a back alley just so you can get your next fix of that sweet, sweet God Nectar.

#8 - Miller Genuine Draft or MGD (Purchased in Canada, not the states) - 4.7% alcohol by volume

This will for sure be the last American beer on here. Generally American beer tastes as though you poured your beer into a bucket of water and then dumped the bucket into a pool. If you buy your MGD in Canada though, you are in for a treat. This beer is brewed cold. This is weird because most beers, even bottom or "cold" fermented beers are still done around 15 degrees. The cold filtering removes the bitterness from the beer and leaves a very sweet, very smooth beer.

Style: Lager
Tastes Like: Barley. Sweet, smooth and dry. No aftertaste.
The Bad: This beer is sweet. If you don't like headaches, drink lots of water when you drink this one
Recommended for: The nights where 1 or 2 beers isn't going to be enough

#7 - Innis & Gunn - 6.6% alcohol by volume

This one is brewed in Scotland. Those dudes know their shit when it comes to drinking. I mentioned before how real men shoot whiskey, Innis & Gunn can be drunken on its own and still be manly. It is aged in oak barrels and tastes a lot like whiskey when you drink it. At 6.6% this fucker will make you rambunctious just like whiskey too. 

Style: These dudes invented their own style - Oak Aged
Tastes Like: Vanilla, caramel, acorn (acorn?), pear - Seriously, this beer is fucked
The Bad: Shit is strong as hell
Recommended for: The nights you want to get hella drunk under the guise of drinking beer

#6 Grasshopper - 5% alcohol by volume

This one is probably the most mellow tasting beer on this list. It is sweet, bitter, citrus and amazing. A Canadian wheat beer out of Alberta, it goes good absolutely any time of the day but especially for breakfast. 

Style: Wheat Beer
Tastes Like: Smooth, hopsy, lemon
The Bad: Get it in draught. When you buy it in a bottle, the wheat settles to the bottom and tastes like shit.
Recommended for: Everyone, even kids. Especially kids. It tastes like candy.

#5 Guinness - 5% abv (in North America)

Ah Guinness. Everyone knows what it is, what it looks like and probably that your grandpa likes it. Here is a free tip for you, your grandpa is manly, and he knows his beer. Guinness is delicious and thick. It is what everyone thinks of when they think European Beer. Surprisingly though, not many people under the age of 40 have ever tasted Guinness. Next time you are at the bar, treat yourself to this magical beer. If you are a fan of real beer, you will love it.

Style: Stout 
Tastes Like: Bitter as all hell. You cannot chug this beer.
The Bad: You can't get drunk off of it because you will get full much, much before this.
Recommended for: The days where you didn't have time for any meals. 

#4 Mill Street Original Organic - 4.2% abv

This guy is one of the weakest of the bunch. I'm including it for you soyfuckers out there who only wear hemp and do things that are earth friendly. This beer is for you. And anyone else who loves good beer. Seriously, as much as I am an advocate for making as big of a carbon footprint as I can, this beer is delicious. 

Style: Pilsner
Tastes Like: MGD
The Bad: You are saving the environment drinking this = Unmanly
Recommended for: Soyfuckers

#3 - Delirium Tremens - 8.5% abv

This beer was once named best beer in the world... and for a damned good reason. It tastes amazing and definitely unlike any beer I have ever tried. It is extremely hopsy and bitter but somehow sweet and light. It scores extreme man points because it has a pink elephant on the bottle and the name Delirium Tremens actually comes from one of the most severe symptoms of alcohol withdrawal which involves the sufferer shaking like a madman. You'll recognize this one as the one with the pink elephant on the bottle.

Style: Pale Ale
Tastes Like : Very hopsy. Cotton Candy
The Bad: Nothing bad to say about this one
Recommended for: Getting wasted... Shit in the litterbox wasted

#2 - Steigl Radler - 2.5% abv

This one is by far the weakest and you can almost call it juice. Now, it goes against my real beer motto of "it should taste like beer" but it was introduced to me by a manly-ass dude by the name of DMak. This one is delicious and actually has kind of an interesting back-story. In the Alps, it's really easy to get 2 things accomplished very fast. 1) Dying of dehydration because you are climbing a mountain. 2) Getting drunk as fuck on account of the lack of oxygen that high up. So the clever bastards at Steigl decided to get two birds stoned at once and create a beer that could hydrate mountain climbers and get them drunk enough to spend all of their money and impregnate the daughters of Hinrick Steigl so that he could have grandkids to get drunk. 

Style: Lager
Tastes like: Grapefruit, raspberry, or lemon - depends which flavour you get
The Bad: Weak as fuck at sea level
Recommended for: Picking up chicks with your knowledge of beers they will like

#1 La Trappe by Koningshoeven - 7.5% abv

This beer is the grand daddy. A Dutch masterpiece, much like myself. It is a Trappist Beer. What is a Trappist Beer? I'm glad you asked:

A Trappist beer is somewhat different to an abbey beer. Out of all the beers in the world, only seven of them can use the name ‘Trappist’: Achel, Chimay, Westmalle, Orval, Rochefort, Westvleteren and La Trappe.

Trappist beer is only given this name if it satisfies a number of strict criteria:
1.  The beer is brewed within the walls of a Trappist abbey, by the monks themselves or under their supervision.
2.  The brewery must be controlled by the monastery and have a business culture compatible with the monastic project.
3.  The purpose of the brewery is not to make a profit. The income takes care of the livelihood of the monks and the upkeep of the abbey site. What is left over is used for charitable purposes, social work and people in need.
The Trappist breweries produce beers of an impeccable quality that is permanently controlled. Thus a La Trappe Trappist contains 100% natural ingredients.

Yeah, it's that epic. My absolute favourite beer by a long shot.

Style: Wheat Beer
Tastes like: Very hopsy. Caramel
The Bad: There is absolutely nothing bad to say about this beer. It is perfection.
Recommended for: Anyone who appreciates good beer

Gentlemen that is all she wrote for this evening. Lots of beers to go out and try so get on it. Feel free to recommend some if you want and I'll give them a look.  

Just remember something for me. Alcohol is not an excuse to act like a complete douche. Beer is a lovely thing and if it is enjoyed properly, can be a great way to have some fun. For those of you who decide to have a few drinks and drive home. Fuck you. I'm serious, you may think you are alright, but if I lose another friend to a drunk driver, I will personally find you and make sure that my foot ends up squarely in your anus.

On a lighter note, I'm not done posting yet. I haven't taught you ladies how to shave, blow things up, or tune-up an engine yet. More posts soon.


Monday, March 7, 2011

Meat - Enough Said


The last post was well received so we'll give this cooking thing a try again. This time though, instead of getting you laid like I did last time (which worked for at least a couple people), I will be teaching you wannabe men out there to do what men are meant to do, cook meat. I am going to go over only things that can be done on the barbecue (except the last one), which is everything. You can even cook your vegetables on the barbecue, which, if you have to cook vegetables, i recommend because it makes the vegetables sort of taste like meat. Just remember, nobody oooo's and awe's over grilled eggplant, basted in chipotle barbecue sauce... Give the people what they want; MEAT (Note: Semicolons, even if misused are manly).

Now, barbecuing is a science. It requires patience, commitment and, most importantly, liquor. I am going to teach you guys how to make alcohol your friend. I'm not talking about staying up late with a bottle of wine and crying about your crappy life. Wine isn't manly, and crying is most certainly not. If your life is that bad, shoot some whiskey and fight someone. I'm talking about using alcohol to benefit your cooking. Using your friends to benefit you is manly. Being there to help your friends is not.

You may think that you know how to barbecue, and a few of you may have some serious skills, but let me tell you, that hockey puck that you served me is not a steak. So it would make sense that the first thing I teach you how to do is cook the perfect steak. That's not going to happen. Being manly is about doing what you want and disregarding the consequences. Not following a perfect segue. (Note: that was a perfect opportunity to use a semicolon. Re-read the second last sentence)

Whole Roasted Beer Can Chicken

This is a personal favourite of mine. It's simple, delicious chicken that uses science to moisten the chicken from the inside out. Fucking smart.

What you need:

A Chicken
1 Can and 6 Bottles of beer - I recommend using lager or pilsner for the can because you want it to evaporate
2 Tbsp - Olive Oil
2 Tbsp - Salt
2 Tsp - Ground Black Pepper

1 Tsp each - Ground Garlic, Onion Powder, Paprika, Salt
1/2 Tsp each - Ground Coriander, Cumin, Black Pepper, Rosemary
1/4 Tsp - Cayenne Pepper

First thing you want to do is combine the rub ingredients in a bowl. Next you want to rinse the chicken inside and our and dry with paper towels. Rub the chicken with the oil, then with the salt and pepper, and then with the rub. This is known internationally as the triple rub-down. Next, open the can of beer and discard half of it down your throat (DO NOT DUMP THE BEER OUT! This is alcohol abuse and I will not stand for it). This next step is crucial as you do not want to spill your beer. Grab each leg of the chicken and place it over the can. The cavity of the chicken (its ass) should fit snugly, but nicely over the can.

Next you want to bring your grill to medium-high heat. You are going to take the chicken on a can and place it in the center of one of the grills, balancing the bird on its two legs and the can. It should, at this point, closely resemble what you do every Saturday. Turn the burner on which your bird is sitting off - you don't want to burn that sonofabitch. Keep the other burner on medium-high for about an hour and fifteen minutes (an hour and a quarter for my redneck friends out there). While it is cooking, you want to keep the lid of the barbecue closed and drink the 6 bottles of beer. After this time you want to check the internal temperature. The chicken is done when the breast temperature is 165F and the thigh juice runs clear when stabbed.

Remove the chicken from the heat and let it sit for 10 minutes. At this point you have 2 choices. You can discard the scalding hot beer or you can be ultramanly and drink that bacteria-ridden, throat destroying soup of death.

Jack Daniels Barbecue Sauce

Ask anyone who knows anything about barbecue sauce what their favourite sauce is. I can guarantee that they will say that it is whiskey sauce. I'm going to teach you to make a Jack Daniels Sauce that not only tastes fucking delicious, but will make you want to fight anyone who happens to look at you wrong.

What you need:

A 40 of Jack Daniels
1/2 Onion Chopped Finely
4 Cloves of Garlic Chopped Finely
2 Cups - Ketchup
1/3 Cup - Vinegar
3 Tbsp - Worchestershire Sauce
1/2 Cup - Brown Sugar
3/4 Cup - Molasses
1/2 Tsp - Pepper
1/2 Tsp - Salt
1/4 Cup - Tomato Paste
1 Tsp - Liquid Smoke
1/2 Tsp - Tobasco Sauce (use a full teaspoon if you're using Frank's Redhot)

Mix the onion, garlic and 3/4 Cup of JD in a saucepan. Heat on med-high until the onion is translucent. Add the remaining ingredients and bring it to a boil. Simmer that shit until it's nice and thick. Go shot for shot with your best friend using the rest of the whiskey. Since your best friend is your mom, you'll likely lose this drinking contest so I'm going to add a step. Cry inconsolably while your mom tells you that it's okay, you're still her special little guy. Pussy.

The Perfect Steak

There are 2 keys to making the perfect steak. The first one is the marinade. Really good steaks don't really need one, but it still makes even the best steaks taste even better. Second key is not to cook the everloving shit out of it. Not only does it cause black cancer death to ruin an otherwise delicious slab of meat. But it makes the steak tough and stringy and really hard to eat.


The perfect steak needs the perfect marinade. This marinade works well and will make your steak angry; and an angry steak is a delicious steak.

First you want to pour half a beer into a plastic bag. Next you're going to add to that beer, 2 or 3 cloves of finely chopped garlic, a pinch of cayenne, 2 pinches of onion powder and a nice big sqeeze of your favourite barbecue sauce (don't use the Jack Daniels one). Mix this shit around and it should look like a bag of puke with a slab of steak in the middle. Marinade for 12 hours or so. The morning that you are going to cook that bitch, you want to put 2 shots of Jack in there. About a half hour before cooking, you're going to toss in about a tablespoon of lime juice. I'll stress that you want to do this no more than a half hour before cooking. If you're not sure why, soak your penis in lime juice for over a half hour and watch as it turns to mush and falls off. To not get super sciencey, the acid in the lime juice activates enzymes in the meat which destroy the shit out of it. You're adding it to take away some of the toughness, not turn it into steak soup.

To cook it you want to turn your bbq on high and get that bitch nice and hot. Throw the steak on and you should hear the best sound ever. Leave it for about 2 minutes and then turn it on the other side. Again, best sound ever. Now you want to turn the heat down a bit and cook it until it's at your desired doneness. Don't cut it open because that makes searing the fats inside of it completely redundant. Check it by poking it. If it feels like squeezing your thumb and index finger together (making an "ok" sign), it's rare. if it feels like your thumb and middle finger together (the reverse shocker), it's medium. If it feels like your pinky finger and thumb together, it's well done. If you are cooking for people, you want to figure out these feelings beforehand so you don't look like a retard pressing your fingers and then touching everyone's steak with your fecal-bacteria ridden hands.

The Barnyard - A.K.A. The Gratuitous Act of Violence

This bitch is the Batman of meals. It makes Wendy's Baconator look like a pussy. It is quite literally the epitome of manliness. It makes even the legendary Turducken look civilized.

As a warning, this bitch feeds A LOT of people. I can be certain that you could feed at least 300 people with this thing. I know that you don't know 300 people so if you are going to attempt this, let me know and I'll bring the people.

What you need:

Bacon (lots)
A quail
A cornish hen
A chicken
A duck
A turkey
A pig
A cow (yep, a whole goddamned cow)
Corn Bread Dressing
Sausage glue
Large Needle and Cotton Thread
A big ass steel bar
A not so big steel bar
2 Big ass "A" arms
A Motor capable of spinning a whole fucking cow
A nice big charcoal fire

Alright, so now I assume you know what I'm driving at. I'm going to stuff all these bitches inside of one another and cook the fuck out of them.

Rinse the turkey and remove the neck and giblets. Place the turkey boobs down and cut through the skin down the spine. Usind the tip of a knife, separate the meat from the ribs. Toward the neck, you want to cut through the meat and expose the shoulder blade. Cut the meat away from the bone and sever the bone at the joint to remove the blade. Bust the wings at the second and third joints but keep them attached. Contunue seperating the meat from the bones heading down toward the thigh. Remove the thighbone from the carcass but keep the leg attached. Repeat the same thing down the other side of the bird and remove the skeleton.

Now you have a flat, boneless turkey with the skin intact. Put that bitch in the fridge and cover it with plastic wrap to stop it from drying.

Repeat this process on the duck, the chicken, the hen and the quail, but this time remove the bones from the wings and drumsticks. 

Sausage glue - Take 3 lbs of sausage and 2 eggs and process them in a food processor until they make a paste.

Spread the turkey out and spread the sausage glue all over the inside. Put the duck on top, skin down, spread sausage glue. Repeat the bird/glue procedure until you have a giant pile of meat, and you are out of birds to cook.

Next you are going to fold the sides of the turkey together and sew down the back of the turkey. Wrap the whole thing about 4 times with cotton thread and tie the legs together. Put the giant ball of dead birds, boobs up, on a rack and put the rack on a baking sheet. Roast at 225F for about 9 hours or until the center of the bird is 165F.

Now you're going to want to wrap that son of a bitch in bacon and shove it inside of the pig. You'll likely have to debone the pig first just like you did with the turkey. Sew it shut.

You'll have to stab the pig all the way through, lengthwise with the not so big steel bar. Make yourself a wicked fire using about 140lbs of charcoal as a bed. You want this fire to be about 350F. To tell how hot it is, hold your hand at cooking level. You should be able to leave it there for 8-10 seconds but no more than 12. You'll want to put a drip pan filled with salt, pepper, garlic, orange juice, butter and some herbs, underneath and baste the pig every half hour or so, using the drippings as well. The drip pan will also stop it from lighting on fire. Which looks awesome but ruins the pig. The pig is done when it's about 170F inside the thickest part.

Next you'll want to remove the spit and put the whole thing inside of the cow. You can use the same cow that you should have hooked up in your walk in freezer that you've been punching. Put the big ass bar all the way through and set it on the A arms. Hook the motor up and let it spin. for this guy you'll need the same temperature which means that you'll also need about 1500 pounds of charcoal for the bed. Cook it just like you did the pig, but this time you don't really need to pay too much attention to the internal temperature as it will taste better if it's a little pink.

Well, I don't really have any closing remarks as I'm too busy drooling. Talk to you guys soon.


Monday, February 7, 2011

Cooking... Separating the Men from the Boys

Gentlemen, it's been awhile but I am back and about to take on a controversial topic... Cooking. Prepare yourself, this ain't no Martha Stewarts Living. I'm about to throw down some knowledge into that dried fruit you call a brain. So open your mind hole and prepare to be dazzled (not a manly word, do not use dazzled unless you scored really high on the manliness test. That gives you a free pass to use words like dazzled and scrumptious).

Now a lot of you out there think that cooking is for women... Men are meant to enjoy a delicious meal prepared by a woman. How wrong you are. There are a few things wrong with this theory of yours.

1) Women cook with vegetables. Vegetables are not manly. Vegetables are what meat eats... I'm not suggesting only eating meat because, though delicious, it'll fucking kill you. I'm simply saying that vegetables were designed to go on top of meat. A popular excuse for those vegetarians out there is that "humans are not meant to eat meat". This is false. If humans weren't meant to eat meat, meat wouldn't be so delicious.

2) Women do not mix meats. When was the last time you saw a woman wrap a chicken with a duck wrapped in a turkey, stuffed inside of a bacon wrapped pig. That's right, you haven't.

3) Women expect you to do the dishes. This is probably the most important one. If you do the cooking, your lady has to do the dishes... It's not the law yet but I'm lobbying pretty hard.

Let me set a stage for you guys who don't know how to showcase your miraculous cooking talent buried deep in your core. How to harness the power of epic meals for good and not evil (evil in this case is cooking for your mom). You have started hanging out with this girl and things are rolling smoothly but she seems too good for you. This is not a bad thing. You just need to turn the tables. Score some serious man-points with this little lady (she better be of age bro, cause that's not cool). The preparation for this meal must be done in advance. You have to find an excuse to cook for her because it's actually a fact that 100% of girls think that you are trying to rape them. 

The set up should be something along these lines. Pick a sport that you are good at. It can be any sport so long as you are good enough at said sport to control the game. For the majority of men reading this blog, I'm going to assume that you aren't too skilled when it comes to sports that involve moving a whole lot so we'll stick with something a little more up to your speed. Make a bet with her over a game of lawn darts (Caution: This game involves sharp, weighted projectiles. It's the most manly game on the planet aside from "catch the bullet"). The bet... If you (the man) win, she has to take you to a guy movie (Titanic is a guys movie... you may think that it is not but it so is. It has boobs in it which instantly gives it points. It's about a big fucking boat that gets split in half by a big chunk of ice. The single most awesome thing to come out of that movie though... When the boat goes ass-up and the guy flys off of it and hits the propeller, spinning like Eddy Gordo from Tekken) and if she (the woman) wins, you (the man) will make her dinner, and take you skating or something like that (I don't know which city you could skate and play lawn darts in the same week... Shut up, I'm dropping knowlege here). Now gentlemen, this step is crucial... You have to intentionally lose. I'm not talking shit the bed and pull a Jay Cutler. Just throw the game so that she wins, but just barely. This is the ONLY time that it is okay to lose to a girl in a sport. If it is sewing or vacuuming, you'll lose no matter what. If you tried your hardest and still lost, you can't read any more.

Now that you have "lost" (wink), you have to cook her dinner. She's not going to want to come over and eat Kraft Dinner with Bacon Bits in it so you have to learn to cook son. She comes over for this dinner that you have promised her, not knowing what to expect. You have been reading this blog and so you are a manly son of a bitch and she assumes that whatever you are going to cook is going to be bad. But for some reason she likes your sorry ass and she's over anyway. That is when you put her on your couch and give her the remote (this gives the illusion that you really care about her... and lets you do your thing in the kitchen in peace).

An hour later you come out and place in front of her a motherfucking braised Duck... What the fuck is up? Her girl boner that's what... You've just played the game and won my friend.

I know what you are thinking, "TyPeets, you are wise beyond your years... But I don't know any recipes for anything". God you're lucky I'm here...

Triple Meat Burgers

These tasty treats are good, but better enjoyed among men or the women out there who can truly hang. Here's what you need.

Bacon - 8 Strips
Honey Garlic Sausage - 1 Pound - Casing removed
Hamburger - 1 Pound
2 Eggs
1 Small White Onion Finely Chopped
Oregano - 1 Tbsp
Basil - 1 Tbsp
Garlic - 3 Cloves Finely Chopped
Ground Cayenne Pepper - 1/2 Tsp
Nutmeg - 1 Tbsp
Ground Black Pepper 1 Tsp

Use a food processor to grind the bacon into a ball of delicious bacon paste. Toss everything in a bowl and mix it up by hand. It should look like one pink ball of meat with white specks of onion and garlic. Start up the barbecue on medium-high. While the barbecue is heating up you are going to take your ball of meat, divide it into about 6 small balls (haha, small balls) and flatten each one into a burger. Toss them on the barbecue for a few minutes each side until they aren't pink in the middle anymore. Top with whatever burger fixins you eat, or with a chicken breast if you're feeling ultra manly. NOM NOM NOM NOM.

Braised Duck (people don't eat these deliciously cute birds nearly enough)

A Duck (each 4 to 5 lb)
3/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp black pepper
6 tbsp Brandy (or Jack Daniels)
2 tsp chopped fresh thyme or 1/2 tsp dried
1/4 tsp ground allspice
Half onion, sliced
1/2 cup minced  shallots
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 cup  dry red wine (or Jack Daniels)
4 sprigs fresh thyme
1 bay leaf
1 tbsp cornstarch
2 tbsp red currant jelly (or Jack Daniels)
Duck Stock:
2 onions, quartered
2 carrots, chopped
3 stalks celery, chopped
4 sprigs fresh parsley
4 sprigs fresh thyme or 1/2tsp dried
3 slices ginger root
2 cloves garlic
1 bay leaf
4 whole cloves
1 tsp black peppercorns
1/4 tsp salt

Preparation - This one takes a while, if you replace each ingredient with a shot of Jack Daniels, I promise that your date will go just as well.

With paper towels, give the duck a rub down. Place neck, gizzards and hearts in roasting pan.
Cut its legs off where thigh joint meets backbone; separate drumsticks from thighs and set aside. Cut off wings; remove the tips of the wings (the part that looks gross and inedible).
Trim tops of duck boobs off wishbones; sliding knife under each boob along either side of breastbone, remove breasts and set aside.

Trim off fat and fatty skin from carcass and set aside; cut off and discard tailbone. Chop the carcass in half and place in roasting pan. If you feel like Dexter, you're probably doing this right.

Duck Stock: Add onions and carrots to roasting pan; roast in 450F/230C oven until duck and vegetables are browned, about 45 minutes. With slotted spoon, transfer solids to stockpot; add celery, parsley, thyme, ginger, garlic, bay leaf, cloves, peppercorns, salt and 6 cups/1.5 L water. Pour off and discard fat from roasting pan.

Place pan over medium heat and add 2 cups/500 mL water; bring to boil, scraping up brown bits from bottom of pan. As much as I always tell you to stay away from brown bits, these ones are delicious. Pour into stockpot; bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer, covered, for 2 hours. Let cool; strain, discarding solids. Skim off and discard fat.

Trim off and reserve fatty edges of skin from thigh and breast pieces. Place drumstick, thigh and wing pieces in bowl and sprinkle with 3/4 tsp of the salt, 1/4 tsp of the pepper and 2 tbsp of the brandy (or Jack Daniels), turning to coat; place in airtight container or plastic bag and refrigerate for at least 2 hours or for up to 2 days. The longer you keep these bad boys in the fridge, the more they'll get you (and more importantly your date) drunk.

Cut diagonal slashes through breast skin (not through meat); transfer to bowl. Sprinkle with thyme, allspice, remaining pepper, and 2 tbsp of the brandy (or Jack Daniels), turning to coat; place in airtight container or plastic bag and refrigerate for at least 2 hours or for up to 2 days. Again, lean more toward the 2 days for maximum drunken bad decisions. 

Evenly slice trimmed skin pieces; place in heavy-bottomed saucepan with fat trimmings, onion and 1/2 cup /125 mL water and bring to boil. Reduce heat to low and cook until skin and onion are browned and crispy; through sieve, drain fat into heatproof bowl, reserving skin, cracklings (fried skin) and onion.
In skillet, heat 2 tbsp of the fat (reserve remainder for other uses, like mixing with Jack Daniels for what I like to call Jack the Duck and his crime-fighting partner TyPeets the Drunk) over medium heat; brown drumstick, thigh and wing pieces all over, then transfer to Dutch oven. Drain off and discard fat from skillet, leaving just enough to coat bottom; add shallots and garlic and fry, stirring, until softened, about 3 minutes. Add wine and, stirring, bring to boil; pour into Dutch oven (hahaha, Dutch Oven).
Place Dutch oven (haha, Dutch Oven) over medium-high heat; when liquid has reduced by half, add 2 cups/500 mL Duck Stock (you made this earlier, remember?), thyme sprigs, bay leaf and remaining salt. Bring to boil; transfer to 350F/180C oven. Braise (don't be afraid of this, braise literally means cook in liquid, I think it might be a french word... It probably is french. They always make things way harder than they need to be), uncovered, until duck pieces are tender, 60 to 90 minutes. Transfer duck pieces to heatproof platter; keep warm.

Increase oven temperature to 425F/220C.

Strain braising liquid into heatproof measuring cup; skim off and discard fat. Pour braising liquid into saucepan and cook until reduced to 1-1/2 cups/375 mL, then remove from heat (if pan juices are less than 1-1/2 cups/375 mL, simply add enough stock to make 1-1/2 cups/375 mL). Set aside.
In ovenproof skillet over medium heat, place breasts skin side down; when nicely browned, flip over, then transfer skillet to 425F/220C oven. Roast until centre is pink, about 10 minutes. Transfer to plate; let stand for 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, in saucepan, bring braising liquid (another one of those french terms for the shit you just cooked your duck in) to boil. Stir cornstarch with remaining brandy (or Jack Daniels); stir into braising liquid. Boil over medium heat for 1 minute; stir in jelly (I was joking about using Jack Daniels instead of jelly, use the jelly) until dissolved.

Thinly slice breasts; arrange on serving platter and surround with braised pieces. Spoon some sauce over top and sprinkle with reserved cracklings (if using) and onion. Serve remaining sauce on side or with Jack Daniels for a little treat.

For dessert, you should be having sex. Depending on the amount of Jack Daniels you used, this might not be physically possible so you should probably buy some ice cream or cake or something.

That's all for now guys, hopefully these recipes come in handy and I'll post some more soon.
